Emergency Management & Disaster Recovery for Elected Officials |
Ethical Considerations in Disaster Contracts
Below is a list of ethical considerations when dealing with disaster and emergency contracts.
Click here for the list of ethics considerations when dealing with disasters and emergencies.
Template Municipal Emergency Management Declaration
Use the sample template below when declaring a state of emergency for your municipality.
Click here for the Template Municipal Emergency Declaration
Comprehensive Executive Guide to Disaster Response and Recovery
Local Government Concentrated Guidance for the initial preparedness needs for successful response to a major disaster event. Also, includes information on access to the more comprehensive information and training that is necessary for municipal leaders and department heads to fully access and implement the state and federal assistance programs and grants that become available following a Presidential Disaster Declaration.
Click here for the Guide to Disaster Response and Recovery
GOHSEP Quick Reference Public Assistance Program Guide
This guide is designed to raise awareness of assistance available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) program authorized under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act).
Click here for the GOHSEP Quick Reference Public Assistance Program Guide
Mayors Guide to Emergency Management
This guide is designed to provide Mayors and their department heads with an overview of emergency management roles, responsibilities, and operations. It highlights the critical roles for which all Chief Elected Officials (CEOs), as chief executives, are responsible.
Click here for the Mayors’ Guide to Emergency and Disaster Management
Mutual Aid Agreement Operations and Implementation Guide
The purpose of this guide is to inform members on the process, procedures, and forms developed for the LMA Mutual Aid Agreements (LMA-MAA) system. Municipal official can implement the LMA-MAA to assist with effective response and recovery from a natural or manmade disaster. This system, the documents to activate it, and the operations guide are a tool for resource augmentation that supplements other local and state mutual aid systems that may already be in place. The system is compatible with the latest requirements that have been established by the Louisiana Legislature, as of the publication date.
Click here for the Mutual Aid Agreement Guide
Disaster Recovery Handbook
The purpose of this Handbook is to inform local and State officials on the process, procedures and programs necessary for effective recovery from a natural or man made disasters. This original version of this document was initiated in 1991 by Art Jones (Jones Disaster Management Group) and Brett Kriger (Allied Independent consulting) as a State Disaster Recovery Manual for the Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness. It contained the latest information as of the publication date regarding recently implemented changes to available Federal supplemental assistance programs especially designed for local disaster officials. The goal of this expanded and updated handbook is to increase the ability of State and local officials to expeditiously respond to and recover from all disaster events requiring Federal Supplemental Assistance.
Click here for the Disaster Recovery Handbook
Click here for Emergency Procurement Quick Guide
Click here for 2016 Disaster Assistance Resource List
Click here for FEMA Flood Cleanup Fact Sheet
Click here for the Continuity of Operations Toolkit- Resources to Help You Build Your Municipal COOP