07-03-2024 - 21:39:53

Track: Revenue & Taxation   

HB 403   Echols, Michael
Morris, Jay
Adds drugs prescribed for certain ocular conditions to the listing of prescription drugs exempt from local sales and use taxes.
Bill History: 07-01-24 G Effective

HB 530   Schamerhorn, Rodney Exempts owners of certain vehicles from paying local sales and use tax under express circumstances.
Bill History: 03-25-24 H No action taken in committee House Ways and Means

HB 871 (1) Henry, Chance (F) Provides for procedures for the collection of delinquent ad valorem taxes and statutory impositions, tax auctions, tax auction certificates, and the redemption of certain property.
Bill History: 05-13-24 S Voluntarily Deferred in Committee Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs

HB 934   LaCombe, Jeremy
Hensgens, Bob
Provides for the dedication of revenue from carbon dioxide sequestration on state lands and water bottoms.
Bill History: 06-19-24 G Vetoed: While I support sharing revenue from carbon dioxide 
sequestration and pore space rights on state-owned land,
changes to dedicated funds cannot be made through a statute

HR 69   Landry, Mandie Requests the La. State Law Institute to study bidding procedures for tax sale property.
Bill History: 04-08-24 H Voluntarily Deferred in Committee House Civil Law

SB 268   Cathey, Jr., Stewart
McMahen, Wayne
Create a state sales tax rebate for the purchase of equipment, machinery, and other items used in lithium recovery activities.
Bill History: 05-28-24 G Effective

SB 504   Luneau, Jay Provides relative to the assessment, payment and collection of ad valorem taxes. Substitute for SB 286.
Bill History: 04-23-24 S Set on the Senate Orders

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