07-03-2024 - 21:39:53

Track: Civil Law & Procedures   

HB 23   Melerine, Michael (F)
Seabaugh, Alan (F)
Provides relative to the prescription of actions for violation of building restrictions.
Bill History: 08-01-24 G Effective

HB 24   Melerine, Michael (F) Provides relative to evidentiary presumptions in personal injury claims.
Bill History: 04-30-24 S Voluntarily Deferred in Committee Senate Judiciary A

HB 27   Melerine, Michael (F)
Seabaugh, Alan (F)
Authorizes service of process by commercial courier.
Bill History: 08-01-24 G Effective

HB 53   Mack, Shane (F) Provides a limitation of actions by passengers of motor vehicles.
Bill History: 02-01-24 H Referred to House Committee on House Civil Law

HB 100   Carlson, Josh (F)
Coussan, Jean-Paul (F)
Provides relative to jurisdiction of city and parish courts over eviction proceedings.
Bill History: 08-01-24 G Effective

HB 109   Mack, Shane (F)
Hodges, Valarie (F)
Provides relative to the review of agency rules.
Bill History: 08-01-24 G Effective

HB 132   Domangue, Jessica (F) Provides relative to intervention by a good samaritan.
Bill History: 03-20-24 H Withdrawn

HB 227   Muscarello Jr., Nicholas
Luneau, Jay
Provides for continuous revisions relative to civil procedure.
Bill History: 08-01-24 G Effective

HB 229   Green Jr., Kyle Requires a three-year prescription on torts.
Bill History: 03-19-24 H Voluntarily Deferred in Committee House Civil Law

HB 636   Ventrella, Lauren (F) Creates a new city court in Central.
Bill History: 04-11-24 H Returned to the calendar - subject to call

HB 803   Muscarello Jr., Nicholas
Luneau, Jay
Provides relative to interruption of prescription and venue.
Bill History: 06-14-24 G Effective

HB 842   Wiley, Jeff (F)
Price, Ed
Provides relative to civil liability protection for local governments concerning events on the Mississippi River levee.
Bill History: 08-01-24 G Effective

HB 969   Green Jr., Kyle
Miller, Gregory (F)
Provides relative to certain judicial proceedings conducted by remote technology. Substitute for HB 663.
Bill History: 08-01-24 G Effective

HR 150   Carter, Robby Directs the Louisiana State Law Institute to study and make recommendations for the creation of small or speedy claims procedures for actions under fifty thousand dollars.
Bill History: 05-13-24 G Enrolled

SB 334   Talbot, Kirk Provides relative to certain prescriptive periods for delictual actions.
Bill History: 04-30-24 S Voluntarily Deferred in Committee Senate Judiciary A

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